Baby Names Genius

by Health & Parenting Ltd


Looking for unique baby names and don’t want to look through endless lists? Install Baby Names Genius to find a name for your baby.Find that ONE perfect name amongst a database of 50,000 names.
The App learns what YOU like, and helps you find the perfect name.
- Up to 50,000 boy and girl names- Name meanings and origins- Classic and unusual baby names- Celebrity birthdays names- Full A-Z listings- Popularity rankings by country- Pioneering AI - Intelligent name finder- Live updates of trending names- Community voting on names- Share on Facebook, Twitter and email - Advanced search (popularity, origin, religion, initial letter, length)
Baby Names Genius is made by Health & Parenting who also develop the #1 pregnancy App ‘Pregnancy +’
The team of Health & Parenting Ltd. wish you a healthy pregnancy and we hope you find your perfect baby name.